Kothari who am i ? let's find out...
About Me

I am a newly minted full stack web developer and I'm thrilled to present my portfolio to you. I have a deep interest in crafting interactive and dynamic web apps and have sharpened my expertise in both front-end and back-end development. My portfolio features samples of my work that demonstrate my mastery of programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js and MongoDB.My goal is to create groundbreaking and user-friendly web apps that can effectively address real-world problems.

What i have learn so far
My Qualifications
  • 2018

    10th - CBSE, From MAPS, Delhi

  • 2020

    12th - CBSE, From MAPS, Delhi

  • 2021

    Certification - The Complete Python Developer: Zero to Mastery, From Udemy Certificate

  • 2022

    Certification - The Complete Web Developer: Zero to Mastery, From Udemy Certificate

  • 2023

    BCA, From IITM, GGSIPU, Delhi

  • 2023 - Pursuing

    MCA, From PES University, Bengaluru

What I have Created so far with my learnings
InsightpaperInsightpaper is an blogging website which is created in MERN stack
Blue StoneBlue Stone is an E-commerce website which provides basic functionality of E-commerce website and which is created in MERN stack
NASA Mission ControlNASA Mission Control is a project which handles Nasa's rocket launching mission to habitables planets for humans as data is gathered from Nasa's offical website
My Social Handle
© 2023 Copyright: davarun.inTechnology used in site: Reactjs, Vite, Tailwind CSS